Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I've finally found a function for my blog!

So I've been hanging around on the internet looking up on random topics when I stumbled upon this blog by some guy named pesanan. I cannot begin to describe just what a Malay extremist he is. Not just a Malay extremist in fact, he's also pretty racist. Remember that Ahmad Ismail from Permatang Pauh who called the Chinese "pendatang"? Well, apparently that politician and this blogger were brought up in the same household.

You can find his blog here.

I disagreed with many things he said. I tried to remain cool, since this isn't the first time I've stumbled upon a blog like this. But there was one post that crossed the line way too far for me to tolerate. It's titled "Pedagang Cina Bersekongkol Membantu Portugis Menakluk Melaka!", posted on September 9, 2008.

The post can be found here.

I wrote in a comment, hoping for a great intellectual discussion and hoping that he would learn some things from such a discussion. But guess what? His replies were vindictive and showed no substantial depth of knowledge nor argumentative skills. Not that I didn't expect that. So I wrote in another comment, pointing out his fallacies and mistakes, and guess what again? He refused to post my comment! Then he went on posting more insults against me just to create the illusion that I've conceded the debate and he has won it. Geez, I never knew there was such a great debate tactic as that!!

But that's not the scariest part. The scariest part is that this pesanan guy has been fueling the racism among like-minded Malays who read his blog like an encyclopaedia.

So yes, I've finally found a function for this new blog. To uncover more erroneous blogs like pesanan's and to try to talk some sense into the blogger, and should that fail, to provide an alternative medium to, well, myself so that my POVs are not suppressed by partial bloggers like pesanan.

I'll start off with pesanan's blog by posting my comments that "failed" his screening test. But that's in my other laptop, which is in Malaysia. I'll get someone there to send it over. At the mean time, just remember to check back often!

P.S: For those of you who have been asking a gazillion times... yes, I love my new school!